Network Emulators by GigaNet Systems
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Network Emulators Deliver on Video Over IP Testing

Network Emulator - Video Over IP Testing

Implementing Video over IP is no easy task. It is a highly complex technology and requires a more thorough approach to testing than other products or services. IP Video is a time-sensitive service and impaired frames are not easily recovered. A viewer's quality of experience (QoE) is easily impacted if all components are not operating as they should.

Successful deployment requires validation across a wide range of platforms, network equipment, and networks. Furthermore, it must be interoperable with other services such as voice and data and different. Of course, different groups and companies involved in the provision of IP Video services must each have their own area of focus.

For their part, Service providers are concerned with ensuring that the service works and will provide an acceptable QoE. In fact, the service must be more than acceptable for the customer to abandon their tradition cable or satellite TV services.

Only with a network emulator can you perform controlled and repeatable testing and predict IP Video's actual quality of experience in live networks.

Network equipment manufacturers (NEMs) on the other hand, are tasked with validating the performance, robustness, and scalability of their products - one of the myriad number of devices involved in the delivery of IP Video from provider to end user. Everything from access devices to core routers and switches must be tested against the video service to understand exactly how it will perform when faced with real-world network conditions.

Use VirtualNet Ethernet Network Emulators to perform:
  Performance Testing
  Load and Stress Testing
  Functional Testing
  End-to-End Interoperability Testing
  Acceptance Testing
  Diagnostic Testing
  Failure Analysis
  SLA Setting and Validation

GigaNet Systems' line of Ethernet Network Emulators network emulators enable deliberate and precise injection of latency, packet loss, errors, re-ordered/corrupt packets, bandwidth policing and a wide range of other impairments. By adding a GigaNet Systems network emulator to their new or existing testbeds, development and verification engineers can thoroughly evaluate the performance of their products, applications and services under the typical real-world conditions that any Video over IP service will face.

GigaNet Systems' network emulators are in-line devices that can be added to existing test setups and have a comprehensive feature set for testing Video over IP network products and systems.

The primary advantage of Video over IP services is that they are readily available to anyone. From a test perspective, this also is its biggest challenge. There is simply no way to design or plan for all of the different architectures or products that the service will be provided over. The only thing we know is that they won't be delivered on an ideal network. This if course means that they will encounter such impairments as delay, corruption, packet loss and others that will affect the users quality of experience.

Using GigaNet Systems' network emulators, service providers and NEMs alike can optimize IP Video for the worst-case scenarios under which it will be deployed. Precise and repeatable testing is the only way to help ensure a high end-user Quality of Experience.

Download Video Over IP Testing Application Note Video Over IP
Application Note

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IP Video
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Download VirtualNet Ethernet Network Emulator Product Brief VirtualNet Ethernet
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