GigaNet Systems' network emulators are used in the testing of a wide variety of solutions by both
NEMs and Service Providers alike to understand how these solutions, and the products
that deliver them, will actually perform when deployed in a live network.
Quite simply, network emulators are regularly used to test any device that connects to a
network, any service that runs on a network, and the network itself.
The following is a
short list of some of the Applications that are tested using a hardware-based network emulator.
- Networked Applications (ERP, Databases etc...)
- Video over IP (IPTV, Video Conferencing)
- Voice over IP (VoIP)
- Gaming
- FCoE System (LAN, Equipment, SW, and App.)
- Storage Extension
- Remote Data Centers, Co-Located sites
- Server Consolidation and Data Center Migration
- Disaster Recovery Testing
- Corporate WAN / Capacity Planning
- SLA Verification / Optimization
- Network Equipment Validation, and Performance Optimization
- WAN Acceleration Testing
- Circuit Emulation
- Etc...
The pages in this section contain additional information around these, and other,
possible uses for the network emulator. Keep checking back often for the latest