VirtualSAN is a high-performance Fibre Channel SAN emulator that replicates the conditions and
impairments, such as latency and packet loss, found in storage area networks (SAN). With it, that you can thoroughly
test your products, devices, and services, in the controlled environment of your lab and ensure
that they meet your, and your customers', performance expectations.
Unlike many test environments today, those with a high-performance Storage Area Network emulator have the ability
to replicate any number of specific network conditions and truly stress test everything from their SAN Equipment
to their Distance Extension solutions.
The VirtualSAN Fibre Channel SAN emulator uses customized ICs to support full line-rate performance
regardless of the incoming frame sizes, number of impairments, or the specified parameters for
impairments. The emulator is also transparently installed in-line as shown in the diagram below.
Together, these two factors work to ensure that no other variable has been introduced into your
testing and your results are precise.
With an intuitive and easy to use GUI interface and a very powerful TCL based CLI to aid in
configuration and testing, the VirtualSAN Fibre Channel Storage Area Network emulator delivers the industry's
greatest performance and precision to ensure that your tests, and your results, are repeatable
and reliable.